WhatsApp Status For Ex Boyfriend and Ex Girlfriend To Make Regret

Status for ex boyfriend and ex girlfriend make them jealous, and maybe even regret breaking up with you. 1. Fully available!! Please disturb me

WhatsApp Status For Ex Boyfriend and Ex Girlfriend To Make Regret. You can do a few things if you want to make your ex jealous. when you find out your ex is moving on and you’re not. the jealousy that eats away at you when you see them happy with someone else. The anger that boils up inside you when you think about all the good times you had together – and how they’re now nothing more than a distant memory.

WhatsApp Status For Ex Boyfriend and Ex Girlfriend To Make Regret
One of the most effective is to change your WhatsApp status. By doing this, you send a clear message that you’re moving on – and that you’re not going to wallow in self-pity over your breakup.

Greeting from socialfeever you land on the right place. because In this article, we’ll give you all of the best WhatsApp status for ex boyfriend and ex girlfriend that will make them jealous, and maybe even regret breaking up with you.

WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

Nine WhatsApp Status For Ex Boyfriend that will make your ex regret ever losing you. also you should check this article Facebook Jungle Name

A real Boyfriend would try finding new ways to impress his krush even after he has her.

U R not ready for your next if you’re still trying to impress your ex.

Read my last words to see if your girlfriend or boyfriend is one for you! Thanks me later! 

Being faithful to your bf or gf should be common sense.

Have a boyfriend? Want to impress him? Check out my last status? 

There’s always the 1 gorgeous boy who doesn’t have a girlfriend & you can’t understand why.

Being the best bf to somebody who just couldn’t see that you were too good.

I change my mind so much that I need two boyfriends and a girlfriend.

U don’t hold to change who U are to impress me; I love you just the way you are.

WhatsApp Status for Ex Girlfriend.

Fourteen WhatsApp Status For Ex girlfriend that will make your ex regret ever losing you.

because My attitude is based on how you treat me.

Love is cute when it’s new, while love is most beautiful when it last.

Raste ki parwah karungi…to MANZIL bura maan jayegi…!!

Lost time is never found again.

I’ll forever catch you when you think you are about to fail…

Don't ever compare me to anyone... I am original

My dreams is to fly..over a rainbow..so high...

Love is just love, it can never be explained.

You are the just reason why I smile, I love, I breathe, I live

I enjoy it when people show an attitude to me

You should never play with someone's heart!!!

Fully available!! Please disturb me?!

My life, my rule, that’s my attitude . . . 

If you like something you’ve never held, you have to do something you’ve never done.

Lovely WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

The thirteen best whatsApp status for ex boyfriend to make your ex jealous.

Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhle.

There is no finish line so love is the journey.

LOVE is like HEAVEN… But it hurts like HELL!. .

Only you can give me that I feeling.

Love has noooo limits.

My heart is perfect because… you are inside :)

If u want to make your dream come true, The 1st thing u have to do is wake up.

Sometimes breakups aren’t meant for makeups, sometimes they are meant for wake-ups.

I hope I could go back to the day I met you…and walk the hell away.

When I count my blessings I count you twice:(

Life is like riding a bike. To keep your balance, u must keep moving.

Born to express not to impress.

I can’t stop missing you.

Lovely WhatsApp Status for Ex Girlfriend.

The thirteen best whatsApp status for ex girlfriend to make your ex jealous.

If one day you realize I haven't talked to you in a while, it's not that I don't care, it's because you pushed me away and left me there.

She said she’d love me forever. Forever ended quick

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.

V both said ILOVEYOU to each other but the difference was, I didn’t lie..

I know you’ll be better without I, though I’m having a hard time convincing myself I’ll be better without you.

Love conquers all things and lets us surrender to love.

One of the hardest decisions you will ever have to make is whether to stay and try harder, or take your memories and wak away.

It’s only when you are hurt do you know what you are made of…

Also check this post Mother Whatsapp Status

Cute WhatsApp Status for Ex Girlfriend.

The 10 best WhatsApp statuses for ex girlfriend updates to make your ex jealous

Life is short ⌚ talk fast.

I love you even -/- when I hate you.

I’m crazy but original you try to be me and you fall..

I’m not imature…I just know how to have joy.

I have a bad habit of reading a text and forgetting to respond.

Fully available!! Please disturb me!!

My room + internet + music + food – homework = perfectDay

I’m not lazy, I on energy-saving mode...

Life was much easier when Apples and Blackberries were just fruits.

Waiting for wifi network.

Everything that destroys me makes me feels alive

I Am Not Special, b'cos I m Just Limited Edition?

Again Single, but with Experience.

Hi, I m a robber, and now I’m here to steal your heart.

I can’t read lips unless they’re touching i.

Cute WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

The 10 cute WhatsApp statuses for ex boyfriend updates to make your ex jealous

Common sense is not so common

I lost my teddy bear. Can I snooze with you?

I've noticed you noticing me, and I'm just letting you know I noticed you!

The whole world is awesome! That is…until you wake up.

I m a liar. But then, how can u be so sure of this statement is not a lie?

If you are going to do wrong things 
speak about me on my back, come to me. I’ll tell you more.

Looks happy on the outside, but simply daying on the inside.

Girls are like parking spaces; all of the good ones are taken.

I'll be there when it's over, no matter where I am or where you are. Because I was there from the beginning.

My mind wants me to give up, but my heart refuses.

Innocent WhatsApp Status for Ex Girlfriend.

Innocent WhatsApp statuses for ex girlfriend updates to make your ex jealous

My Favorite Mistake is Love

LIFE – LOVE = Null

Seconds chances are 4 looser….either v do it in first place or live it for others.

Dear Math, please grow update and solve your own problem's, I m tired of solving theme for you.

Life is too shorts. Do not waste it removing the pen-drive safely.

I enjoyed it when peoples show Attitude to me because it shows that they needs an Attitude to impress me.

I m cool but global warmings made me hot

Life is very difficult when v are true to Everyone..!

Happy on the outside, but simply daying on the inside.

Girls are like parking spaces; all of the good ones are already taken.

Innocent WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

Innocent WhatsApp statuses for ex boyfriend updates to make your ex jealous

Love is beautiful when it lasts, but it is most beautiful when it is new.

Scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to reveal my status.

I am so clever that I sometimes don't understand a single word I say.

I don't have a dirty mind; I have sexy imaginings.

My favourite types of people are relatives who leave money behind.

So far, but I love you always

I'm the best when I'm good, and the worst when I'm bad.

I'm just describing how you feel when you're insulted.

My personality is who I am & my attitude depends on who you are

Stop checking my status!!! Go Get A Life

I started with nothing and still have the majority of it.

Error: status unavailable

I don’t care because you not fair

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Funny WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

Funny WhatsApp statuses for ex boyfriend updates to make your ex jealous

Lost time is never found again.

I'm cool, but global warming has made me hot.

When I am good, I am the best; when I am bad, I am the worst.

Without me, it's just awso.

I sometimes wish I could rewind time to see if it was all worth it in the end.

I thought I wanted a career, but it turns out I just wanted money.

100,000 sperms and I was the fastest;)

I always carry two sacks with me. That way, if someone asks me to lend them a hand, I can say, "Sorry, got these sacks".

When you can't sleep because reality has finally surpassed your dreams, you know you're in love.

Funny WhatsApp Status for Ex girlfriend.

Funny WhatsApp statuses for ex girlfriend updates to make your ex jealous

Totally available!! Please disturb me!!??

My life, my rule, that’s my attitude…

I am not a king, but my queen is love.

I discovered how to love everyone, but I did not discover how to feel others' love for me.

I can die happy now that I've seen a piece of heaven called "It's U."

I believe in love at first sight; there is no need to walk in again.

Girls are like internet domain names; all of the ones I want are taken.

I know I have no chance, but I really wanted to hear an angel speak.

There are many people in the world, but there is only one person in my world, and that is you.

Do you like sleeping? Me too

Boys are like purses: cute, full of crap, as well as easily replaceable.

Lush WhatsApp Status for Ex girlfriend.

Funny lush WhatsApp statuses for ex girlfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

OF COURSE ! Talk to myself, sometime i need expert advice.

When people gossip about me behind my back Remember that this is the best position for kissing my a**.

stop talking about it, If you really don’t care. 

I'm shy at first, but once I get to know you, get ready for some crazy shits.

Attitude is similar to underwear. Don't show it off, just wear it!

Keep moving! Nothing new to read…

You are my favourite cause for losing sleep.

Thanks for being in my life

Never too busy to be happy ?

Life is journey. I am traveller.

Love can happen only once. Compromise will be the only option the next time.

My study period = 15 minutes. My break time = 3 hours.

No matter how "busy" a person is, if they truly care about you, they will always make time for you.

Lush WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

Funny lush WhatsApp statuses for ex boylfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

My stars predicted that I'd meet the woman of my dreams tonight.

I love the way you walk, talk and laugh.

I can't read lips unless they're in interacting with mine.

I don't need to dream, I got you!

All the birds in the sky and all the fish in the sea will never be able to express how much you mean to me.

I LOVE the way you HURT me!

Come in live my heart, and pay no rent

Let's make it short and simple, I love you.

Do I know you? Cause you look a lot like my future girlfriend.

If you were a tear, I would never cry in fear of losing you..

Sold My Soul to You ♥

scratch here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ to reveal my status

Don't pass judgement on someone's life until you've experienced their pain.

Killer WhatsApp Status for Ex Girlfriend.

Killer lush WhatsApp statuses for ex girllfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

Sitting in class wondering how the hell the teacher got the job.

Stay strong, make them wonder how you’re stillsmiling.

Come in my Heart and pay no rent.

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.

Childhood is like being drunk, everyone remembers what you did, except you

Happiness is when “Last seen at” changes to “online” and then to “typing..”

I took IQ test …..results were negative since 1911

I wish I had google in my mind and antivirus in my heart.

You don’t have t…
o like me.I am not a facebook status.

God is really creative, i mean ..just look at me

Hey there….. be there.  move on…

Life is far too short to be serious all of the time. So, if you can't laugh at yourself, give me a call... I'M GOING TO LAUGH AT YOU.

Magical WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

Magical WhatsApp statuses for ex boyfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

My life, my rule, that’s my attitude...

Sometimes the wrong choices lead us to the right places.

Time, you can’t keep it, but you can spend it.

My "last seen at" was simply a check to see where you were last seen.

My attitude is decided by how you treat me.

Hey there WhatsApp is using me

Better to b alone than be wid sme1 who makes u feel alone…

I’m not lazy, I’m in energy-saving mode

Teachers call it cheating, while students call it teamwork.

Keep it simple, and keep it honest, also keep it real.

My room + internet connection + music + food – homework = perfect day

Live, Laugh, Love

Totally available!! Please disturb me!!

Status under construction.. coming soon…

Nothing is lost until mom can’t find it.

Please don’t interrupt me while I’m ignoring you.

Sweet WhatsApp Status for Ex Girlfriend.

Sweet WhatsApp statuses for ex girlfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

Mans are many but money is money

Look between Y and I on your keyboard for a lovely person.

All things are possible

People just only love and lose whom they shouldn’t

apni to bass ek hi zeed he…. sar pe Taaj… Sath me koi Khasss aur is zulmi duniya pe Raj

If you work hard enough, an apple a day will keep anyone away.

I'm going to hit you so hard GOOGLE won't be able to find you.

I tried to be normal. Worst two minutes of my life.

Even the calendar says W T F after Monday and Tuesday...

Life was much smoother when APPLE and BLACKBERRY were just fruits.

How other see you, is not important…How you see yourself means everything.

Every mother on the planet gave birth to a child except my mother, She gave birth to Legend.

Sweet WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

Sweet WhatsApp statuses for ex boyfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

If something goes wrong, don't follow it.

Life is a beautiful piece of music...just play to it...

Life is short, why waste in updating the Status...

In my life, love has been a beautiful mistake.

Someone always changes the lock when I find the key to success...

Love in your heart gives your soul life.

I require Google in my head and Anti-virus in my heart.

Keep Your Attitude in Your Pocket I've got my own.

I’ll do what I like, when I like, wherever I want, with whoever I like, however, I like..because I like!!!

I enjoy hearing rumours about myself, especially when they are about things I didn't know about myself.

I am not getting stuck on this page. I know luch has a new chapter for me filled with blessings, favor, and victory!

also you may like Long Bio for Instagram

Legend WhatsApp Status for Ex Girlfriend.

Legend WhatsApp statuses for ex girlfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

If being hot is a crime, ARREST ME.

Whattsapp status is loading

My "last seen at" was simply a check to see where you were last seen.


Always remember that you are UNIQUE............ just like everyone else.

Don't be happy. I don't truly forgive people; I just act as if everything is fine while waiting for my turn to destroy them.

My mind wants me to give up, but my heart refuses.

I'm not going to try to be awesome, but what if awesome tries to be me?

Allow me to hurt your face; so maybe it will provide some relief for me.

Many hated it, many want it, some dislike it, and none confront it.

Promises mean everything, but apologising after they are broken means nothing.

I don't want to be everything to everyone, but I do want to be something for someone.

Legend WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

Legend WhatsApp statuses for ex boyfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

My personality shows me wherever I go.

My attitude is determined by the people in front of me.

Remember that if someone has a problem with you, it is THEIR problem.

life becomes extremely difficult...! When we are true to everyone.

I don't want to be everything to everyone, but I do want to be something for someone.

Look between Y and I on your keyboard for a lovely person.

All things are possible

People only love and lose those they should not.

Common sense is not so common

Always trying to cool myself

Error: status is unavailable.

The f**k was full, so I'll return soon.

We’re like diamonds in the sky

hello!Problems where are you looking I am here.

Hi there! I am using my brain!

Mixed WhatsApp Status for Ex Girlfriend.

Mixed WhatsApp statuses for ex girlfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

Life is so much better when you stop caring what everyone else thinks and start living for yourself.

My attitude will ever be based on how u treat me.

Sorry vegiterians we can’t pretend

Jidhar apna CRUSH ha , udhar hich sala RUSH ha and filhal timepass k liye only CANDYCRUSH he. ?

Life is too short. Dont waste it copying my watsapp status….

Status under construction.

My name may not be well-known, but I have accomplished great things.

Don’t do homework save paper! ?

I’m a good boy with bad habits ?

Respecting a woman is one of the best ways to tell her how beautiful she is...

flip a coin... head, I'm yours, tail, you're mine.

She takes your hand, and I almost die...

I can drive you crazy if you don't have a driver's licence.

Mixed WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

Mixed WhatsApp statuses for ex Boyfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

The status is still loading.

Google is on my mind

It’s hard to be a superwoman

You are my favourite reason for not sleeping.

Thanks for being in my life

Never too busy to be happy?

Life is a journey. I am a traveler.

Love Is My Favorite Mistake

Love can happen only once... Next time it's only Compromise.

So far, but I love you always

I don’t care because you are not fair

Some mistakes should be committed one time

Follow your heart and see where it takes you.

Forgiving does not always imply forgetting, but forgetting always implies forgiveness.

Life without mistakes is analogous to education without books.

Teachers “ just ” teach the rules... But the rules are made by the winners.

If you love someone, time and distance are never an issue.

Love is a game for liars and a source of pain for Shayari.

Old WhatsApp Status for Ex Girlfriend.

Old WhatsApp statuses for ex girllfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

I want another day with you.

Be the kind of person you'd like to meet.

Love can be demonstrated not defined.

But one day you'll realise that the time you spent with me was the most beautiful time of your life...

Everything is fair in Love and War.

Don’t worry. God is always on time.

People will want to hurt you more if you show your feelings..!!

'Time' You cannot keep time, but you can spend it.

Some people will always be in your heart, even if you are no longer in theirs.

If I treated you the way you treat me, I guarantee you wouldn't stay as long as I do.

The two most tough things to say in life are hi for the first time and goodbye for the last time.

Explanations are pointless because people only hear what they want to hear.

Also you may like this post Attitude Bio for Boys

Old WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

Old WhatsApp statuses for ex Boyfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

There is no place for hatred in life, only love.

A person needs a clean reputation to survive…………….!!

Have a good time?

Life must go on?

Dreams are just the brain’s Screensavers.

never give people permission to disrespect you….

Divorce your EGO.

Education is a potent weapon for transforming the world.

Distance is everything

Making liberty and freedom cool is one of our most difficult challenges.

Secrets…are the very root of cool

Your eyes are bluer than the Atlantic, and baby, I'm at sea.

“Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love”

love is when you feel totally complete

It is because of you that I understand what love is!!

“You can be Han Solo. And I’ll be Boba Fett. I’ll cross the sky for you.”

I love the passion between us

Sad WhatsApp Status for Ex Girlfriend.

Sad WhatsApp statuses for ex girlfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

I don't usually get attached, but that changed when I met you.

The most difficult moments are not those in which tears flow from the eyes. It's when you have to hide your tears with a smile on your lips.

When you love someone more than they deserve, you will always suffer more than they deserve?

"Hi" is a short, simple word, but it is the beginning of love.

I think love is fearless.

I can't go a day without thinking about you.

Being someone's first love is wonderful, but being their last is beyond ideal.

That is a fact: I still love you. A million apologies, however, will not bring me back.

I'd travel around the world for someone like you.

I need you, you need me. Let’s make it work.

Sad WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

Sad WhatsApp statuses for ex Boyfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

All you need is Love

Love is letting go of fear

In love, there is always some craziness. But there is always some logic in madness.

I don't like cocaine ::: I just like the smell of it.

I haven't slept in 10 days because that would be excessive.

Just when you think you can make ends meet, someone moves the ends.

One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.

Being wise is so simple. Simply comeup with something stupid to say and then don't say it.

Dear Mario...... I squandered my childhood attempting to save your girlfriend. Now you're assisting me in saving mine. Consider this: every time we look back five years, we see ourselves as idiots.

We are all part of the final statistic: ten out of ten people die.

Savage WhatsApp Status for Ex Girlfriend.

Savage WhatsApp statuses for ex girlfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

Falling in love is like the rainfall… It’s unpredictable!

“Sometimes, the wrong choices take us to the right places.”

A buddy is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the nice things you can be.

A BROKEN HEART is the realisation that no matter what you do or say to yourself, you will never be able to convince your heart that you will "Be Alright."

When I look at the keyboard, U and I are always together.

I need you so much closer.

When you're ready, love, not when you're alone.

The most difficult part of letting someone go is that we can't change who we've become as a result of them...

It is challenging to fly when something is weighing you down.

Every love story is lovely, but ours is my personal favourite.

Savage WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

Savage WhatsApp statuses for ex boyfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

apni to bass ek hi zeed he…. sar pe Taj… Sath me koi Khas aur is kmini duniya pe Raaaaj

I fell in love with a girl, and she broke my heart..... Now, every part of my heart adores DifferenT Girlz.... It was dubbed flirting. That's not right...

Early morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious

No one else can change you, just you can change yourself.

One of the reasons I simply love you is that you make me smile for no reason.

You`ll never be perfect. But you`ll always be unique

hard times will always reveal the real friends..

Friends will come and friends will go. But true friends stick on forever

Falling in love is like rain... It's completely unpredictable!

Sometimes, making the wrong decisions leads us to the right places.

“My attitude is based on how you treat me.”

Attitude WhatsApp Status for Ex Girlfriend.

Attitude WhatsApp statuses for ex girlfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

Just you can transform yourself, no one else can

One of the causes, why I love you, is coz you make me smile for no reason.

You`ll never be perfect. But you`ll always be unique

hard times will ever reveal real friends.

Friends will come and friends will go. But true friends stick on forever

My Hearts beats only for you.

It’s better suitable to be lonely than to make silent sacrifices 4 those who r never going to notice your feelings.

LoveMe for a second and I’ll love you forever.

Just because I’m busy doesn’t mean I don’t love you

I don’t understand why destiny allowed some people to meet… when there’s no way for them to be 2gether.

Attitude WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

Attitude WhatsApp statuses for ex boyfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

Can I borrow a Kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.

I’m done begging for your love.

uff Every time I talk to you, I fall in love all over again.

I wish you always find a reason to smile.

You are unique in every way. Thank you for being yourself.

I don’t even know why I like you. But I just do.

If you don’t understand my silence, you will Notunderstand my words.

Why am I so terrified of losing you when you aren't even mine?

I was only a passing fad in your life.

What hurts more than losing you is the knowledge that you're not fighting to keep me.

You can’t stop loving short girls.

If you say you love me, you should mean it.

Funding love, I discovered sadness at the end of the line.

All-Time WhatsApp Status for Ex Girlfriend.

All-time WhatsApp statuses for ex girlfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

Seeing your ex with someone who is more attractive than you. Awesome.

Don't kiss in the garden because love is blind but the neighbours aren't.

You can't move on to the next chapter if you keep re-reading the previous one.

When you change your Facebook status to "single" and your ex likes it, it's awkward.

You definitely still have feelings for your ex or their new lover if you feel the need to insult them.

It's sometimes safer to leave your ex in the past than to repeat the same mistake in the future.

I'm feeling unappreciated, trying to be the best boyfriend I can be, but you don't seem to respect.

Being faithful to your boyfriend or girlfriend should be common sense.👐

Sometimes I wish there was a ‘Build-a-Girlfriend.

Anyone can catch your attention, but still only someone special can capture your heart.

All-Time WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

All-time WhatsApp statuses for ex boyfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

Those who BREAK THE RULES make history.

I’m not actually this tall. I am sitting on my wallet.

There is something wrong with my phone. Any GIRL call it for me to see if it rings?

If nothing lasts longer, I was wondering if you might be interested in being my nothing?

When your ex says “you’ll never find anyone like me” Just smile and replies “that’s the point”.

My ex-status gf indicated that she was suicidal and on the verge of suicide. As a result, I poked her.

I don't care if you gossip about me behind my back because my name is still in your mouth, for better or worse!

Don't cry because it's over; instead, smile because his new girlfriend resembles a horse.

80% of boys have girlfriends. What about the other 20%?

Whatever I achieve is not to impress you, But to express myself…

Mad WhatsApp Status for Ex Girlfriend.

Mad WhatsApp statuses for ex girlfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

What is the main reason for failure? I think it's EXAMS. What do you think?

In exams, I sometimes consider writing LOL at the end of each answer.

Instead of living with a rude friend like you, I'd rather be shot by Hitler.

You ignored my tender heart and prepared to believe in my cruel behaviour.

You should become a celebrity if you want to be rude.

I say this, I say that, W T H do you want to listen from me?

helloProblems where are you looking I am here.

Hi there! I am using my brain!

Status is still loading.

Google on my mind

It’s hard to being a superwoman

Not always available, try your luck ?

I m not scared of death; I just dn't want to!

Mad WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend.

Mad WhatsApp statuses for ex boyfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

My silence does not imply that I have given up... Simply put, I don't want to argue with people who refuse to understand!!!

Always trying to cool my self

Error:status is unavailable.

The h*** was full so I come back soon

We’re like diamonds in the sky

Genius by birth, evil by nature, and h**** by accident.

My life is an open book, but not everyone is permitted to read it.

Alerts, it is not safe to talk to me at the moment..

I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally….

If others are attempting to get you down, it just proves that you are superior to them.

A good relationship doesn’t need promises, terms, and conditions. It just requires a '
She' who can trust and a 'He' who can be loyal.

Secrets…are the very root of cool

Love WhatsApp Status for Ex Girlfriend

Love WhatsApp statuses for ex girlfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

Love is a fun for liars and a source of pain for Shyari.

Live life fully, with no place for hate, only love.

A person needs a clean reputation to survive…………….!!

Have a good time?

Life must go on?

Dreams are just the brain’s Screensavers.

never give people permission to disrespect you….

Divorce your EGO.

Education is a formidable weapon for transforming the world.

Distance is everything

Making liberty and freedom a reality is one of the most difficult challenges we face.

life is simple if we are simple….

love is life no love no life

Love is about appreciation, not ownership.

People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.

Some times 1 middle finger isnt enough to let someone know how you feel. Thats why you have 2 hands.

Some people need to open their small minds instead of their big mouths.

Love WhatsApp Status for Ex Boyfriend

Love WhatsApp statuses for ex boyfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

Life without errors is like to education without books.

Teachers Only Teach The Rules/But Winers, Winners Make The Rules.

Even if you cheat or murder me, your love is my TRUE ___.

time⊠ and distance❎ never be a problem If you love someone.

My attitude🙏 will always be based on how you treat me.

I am who I am, and your💣 approval is unnecessary.

My heart is stolen…can I check your bra?

Beautiful face, beautiful figure, and dreadful attitude. It was hot boys' holy trifecta.

I don't offend individuals; instead, I characterise them.

I enjoy it when people deliver Attitude to me because it delivers that they need an Attitude to impress me!

No matter how much i try to forget you, you’ll always be a part of me.

God is really creative, just look at me!

Bonus WhatsApp Status for Ex-Boyfriend and Ex-Girlfriend

Bonus WhatsApp statuses for ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend updates to make your ex jealous.

“Love is pretty when it’s fresh, but love is most beautiful when it's last. ”

Raaste ki parwah karunga…to MANZIL bura maan jayegi…!!

Ialways catch you when you think you are about to fall…

Don’t compare me with anyone…. I am original

My objective is to flee..over a rainbow..so high..

Love is only love, it is can never be explained.

You are the causewhy I smile, I love, I breathe, I live

I enjoy it when people show an attitude toward me

You should never play with someone's heart!!!

Some mistakes should be committed one time

Music is my escap frm the bullshit in life..

Be yourself! ur not born to impress anyone|

It better living in zooo than living with you

When words fail, tears speak..

No matter if my name is not great, but I have done great! work.

Don’t do homework save paper! ?

I’m a good boy with bad habits ?

Follow your heart💓 and see where you land🌂.

Forgiving isnot always forgeting, but forgeting is always forgiving.
